The paper shows the journey and key lessons learned in the successful development of a green field reservoir that initially had significant subsurface uncertainties. Acquisition, interpretation, and integration of key subsurface data was critical to the reduction of subsurface uncertainties, and successful development of the reservoir.
Reservoir J8-02 was discovered in 1991 as saturated reservoir by Well-I which proved an oil column of 42 ft with an LKO. A pilot well (Well-P), drilled in 2019 to determine the reservoir extent and hydrocarbon column, logged a GOC and an OWC; and proved up an additional 147 ft column of oil. The fluid contacts established from well log data were validated by repeat formation pressure tests acquired using Well-P.
Based on the results from Well-P, a horizontal well (Well-PH) was planned to be completed in the reservoir with the lateral depth at 30 ft below the GOC. Due to issues experienced with MWD, the well was completed in the reservoir with the toe being about 15 ft offset from the GOC. When Well-PH was brought online in 2019, it produced at low oil rate, very high GOR and with light oil API of 42. Evaluation of Well-PH production performance and the open hole log suggested that Well-PH was producing from a fluid transition zone (high GOR/high oil API) between the gas cap and the oil leg. A new well (Well-YH) was then planned to target the oil leg below the fluid transition zone in the eastern part of the reservoir.
A depth uncertainty assessment was done and incorporated into the planned well landing depth. However, due to possible gas sag effect on the seismic, the structure was encountered shallower than the pre-drill uncertainty range; this resulted in the new drill (Well-YH) being sub-optimally landed in the transition zone and within the low-quality section of the reservoir lobe. The transition zone was confirmed in Well-YH by real-time gas chromatograph analysis from mud logging. The decision was made to geologically sidetrack Well-YH.
The sidetrack (Well-YHST) was successfully drilled into the good quality interval with the toe of the lateral at 34 ft below the transition zone. Geo-steering (Resistivity contrast-based depth to boundary tool) and mudlogging proved to be key enablers towards the successful landing of the well. Well-YHST was brought online and is currently producing at very good rate (2100 bopd compared to 1250 bopd pre-drill estimate), low GOR and oil API of 36 degrees. Based on this positive outcome, an additional well is being planned to be drilled to further improve oil recovery in the reservoir.