The x-ray attenuation coefficient µ has been introduced in previous chapters and shown to have a value of about 10 4 -10 5 m -1 . The penetration depths of x-rays, i.e. the corresponding 1/µ values, are accordingly found in the 10-100 µm range. In most thin-film investigations the thickness is substantially less causing a large fraction of the diffractogram as measured in the symmetric θ/2θ configuration to stem from the substrate. In the case of thin films with thicknesses in the nanometer range or less only negligible structural information can be gained in this measuring configuration. The path traveled by the x-ray in the sample, which is of the order of sinθ/µ, is too short for typical Bragg angles to deliver x-ray ref lections of sufficient peak-to-noise ratio.Especially for the analysis of thin films, x-ray diffraction techniques have been developed for which the primary beam enters the sample at very small angles of incidence. In its simplest variant this configuration is called GIXRD: grazing incidence x-ray diffraction. The small entrance angle causes the path traveled by the xrays to increase significantly and the structural information contained in the diffractogram to stem primarily from the thin film. The parafocusing geometry as applied in conventional powder diffractometry cannot be used in these experiments and new beam-shaping devices for parallel x-ray optics have had to be developed. These and further details of the measurement geometry are described in Section 4.1 and in Instrumental Box 5. Moreover, the GIXRD technique allows one to obtain depth-resolved structural information by measuring diffractograms under different angles of incidence. This is evaluated in Section 4.2. Up to this point the chapter will be concerned with diffraction phenomena only. In addition to the information given in the previous chapters the peculiarities are developed that arise only under very small angles of incidence.Presentation is made of an x-ray technique that is named x-ray ref lectometry or x-ray ref lectivity (XRR), and which does not rely on the diffraction of x-rays. Rather it makes use of ref lection and refraction of radiation and similarly as in optical ellipsometry the real and imaginary parts of the complex index of refraction of a thin film can be determined. The decisive distinction between both methods is the wavelength of the radiation, which differs by about three orders of magnitude. For this reason the associated phenomena may be observed only under very small incidence angles in the case when x-rays are applied. A further characteristic of XRR
Grazing Incidence Conf igurationsThin Film Analysis by X-Ray Scattering. M. Birkholz