A experiênciA dAs enfermeirAs de turno num hospitAl espAnhol: estudo quAlitAtivo-fenomenológico lA experienciA de lAs enfermerAs "de Apoyo" en un hospitAl espAñol: estudio cuAlitAtivo fenomenológico 1 phd, Assistant lecturer of the department of nursing, university Jaume i, castellón de la plana, spain.2 phd, professor of the department of nursing, university of Alicante, Alicante, spain.3 phd, professor and director of the department of nursing, university Jaume i, castellón de la plana, spain. 4 phd, professor of the department of nursing, university of Alicante, Alicante, spain.5 phd, professor of the department of physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation and physical medicine, university rey Juan carlos, madrid, spain.