Background/Aim. The number of children with diabetes is constantly increasing. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus compared to healthy children. Methods. The study included 177 patients aged 10-15 years, divided into two groups. Group T1DM, made up of children with type I diabetes mellitus. Control group was healthy children. The dental health was assessed using the DMFT index. The Plaque Index (PI) according to Silness-Löe and the Calculus Index (CI) by Green were used to determine oral hygiene. Salivary status involved determining the amount of secreted stimulated saliva and buffer capacity of the same patient. Results. In terms of average values of DMFT index of permanent teeth, there were no statistically significant differences in study groups. A significant difference in PI value in group T1DM (1.29 ± 0.56) and control group (1.01 ± 0.50 ) was observed (p =0.001). Also, a significant difference in CI value in group T1DM (0.09 ± 0.23) and in control group (0.03 ± 0.14) was observed (p=0.047). The average amount of secreted stimulated saliva for diabetic children was significantly lower (0.99 ± 0.14 ml/min), compared to healthy children (1.06 ± 0.20 ml/min; p=0.020).
Conclusion:Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus have no more diseased teeth; however, they have more dental plaque, dental calculus and lower saliva than children in the control group. Also, our results point to the absence of preventive measures and programs in Montenegro.
ApstraktUvod/Cilj. Broj djece sa dijabetesom u stalnom je porastu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrĊivanje stanja oralnog zdravlja kod djece oboljele od dijabetesa mellitusa tip I u odnosu na zdravu djecu. Metode. U studiju je bilo ukljuĉeno 177 pacijenata uzrasta 10-15 godina, podeljenih u dve grupe. Grupu T1DM, ĉinila su deca obolela od dijabetes mellitus-a tip I. Zdrava deca, predstavljala su kontrolnu grupu .Stanje zdravlja zuba ocenjeno je pomoću KEP indeksa. Za utvrĊivanje oralne higijene primenjivan je Plak Indeks (PI) po Silness-4 Löe i Indeks zubnog kamenca po Green-u (CI). Salivarni status je podrazumevao odreĊivanje koliĉine izluĉene stimulisane pljuvaĉke i puferski kapacitet iste pacijenata.Rezultati. U pogledu proseĉnih vrednosti indeksa KEP stalnih zuba nije bilo statistiĉki znaĉajnih razlika izmeĊu obolele i zdrave dece. Uoĉena je znaĉajna razlika u vrednostima PI grupe T1DM (1,29±0,56) i kontrolne grupe (1,01±0,50; p=0,001). TakoĊe je uoĉena znaĉajna razlika u vrednostima CI grupe T1DM (0,09±0,23) i kontrolne grupe (0,03±0,14; p=0,047). Proseĉna koliĉina izluĉene stimulisane pljuvaĉke za obolelu decu bila je znaĉajno niža i iznosila je 0,99±0,14ml/ min, u odnosu na zdravu decu (1,06±0,20 ml/min; p=0,02). Zaključak. Deca obolela od dijabetes mellitus-a tip 1 u CG nemaju više obolelih zuba, ali imaju više dentalnog plaka, zubnog kamenca i manji protok pljuvaĉke u odnosu na decu iz kontrolne grupe. TakoĊe, naši rezultati upućuju na nepostojanje preventivnih mera i programa u Crnoj Gori.