Alexey A. Rulev, [a, b] Artem V. Sergeev, [a, c] Lada V. Yashina, [a] Timo Jacob, [d, e, f] and Daniil M. Itkis* [a] Plating of metallic Li results in deposition of needle-like structures, whose prevention is a fundamental challenge that currently restricts the development and application of high energy Li-metal rechargeable batteries. Over the last decades, a number of mechanisms were proposed to explain morphological instabilities of planar crystallization fronts. The suggested reasons for non-uniform deposition include Li + concentration gradients in the nutrient phase, accelerated electromigration to the tip of the growing needle, specific nucleation behavior, mechanical properties of the solid-electrolyte interphase, and many more. Here, we unravel the role of electromigration currents by adding indifferent cations (TBA + , TEA + ) to screen for non-uniform electric fields, thus, suppressing migrationdriven mass-transfer. Nearly full exclusion of electromigration currents showed no impact on the morphology of electrodeposited lithium. Therefore, the role of electromigration seems negligible, and electric field edge effects are undoubtedly not the main driving force for filament growth during Li plating.Today, lithium-ion batteries are the most wide-spread portable electrochemical energy storage devices. Often referred to as "rocking chair" battery, typical lithium-ion cell operation is enabled by movement of lithium ions from the negative (anode) to the positive electrode (cathode), while the reverse process occurs during charging. [1] [a] A. A. Rulev, Dr. A. V. Sergeev, Dr. glovebox with less than 0.1 ppm H 2 O and O 2 concentrations. The electrochemical measurements were performed with a BioLogic SAS SP-300 potentiostat/galvanostat.