To improve the stability of capsaicin, different mass ratios of sodium caseinate and acetylated wheat starch (10:0, 9:1,7:3, 5:5, 3:7, 1:9, 0:10) were used as the wall material to prepare the emulsion, and it was microencapsulated by spray drying technology. The results showed that the sodium caseinate and wheat starch acetate exhibited a perfect emulsi cation effect. The composite wall material could signi cantly improve the encapsulation degree of the whole system, and the highest was 84.05% (3:7). The shape of the capsaicin microcapsule was almost spherical, and the size was not uniform, while the color and dispersion of the particles were consistent. The capsaicin microcapsules had a high solubility between 77.88% and 97.64%. The retention rates of capsaicin prepared with the sodium caseinate/wheat starch acetate ratio were 7:3, 5:5 and 3:7 exhibited high storage stability, which was more than 60.00% after 15 days of storage at different light and temperatures. This study may provide more theoretical support for applying starch acetate in edible vectors and expand the application range of capsaicin.