Quantum computing was first proposed by Richard Feynman in the 1980s. The basic idea is to use the coherence and entanglement properties of quantum systems to store and calculate information by manipulating the quantum states. Quantum computing presents the possibility of solving large-scale computing problems and is expected to have wide applications in the study of complex problems. The realization of quantum computing imposes strict requirements on the device, especially on the long coherence time and scalability. The former may ensure the coherence of quantum states for calculations, and the latter provides a sufficient number of qubits to realize large-scale quantum computing. There are many implementations of quantum computing, including superconductivity, ion traps, nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum dots, NV centers, photons, and topologies. Topological quantum computing was proposed at the beginning of this century. The basic idea is to use particles obeying non-Abelian statistics, the Majorana zero mode (MZM) in particular, which may emerge from solid-state devices to build topologically stable qubits for fault-tolerant quantum computing. MZM is a bound state possessing particle and antiparticle symmetry. The challenge in topological quantum computing is to experimentally realize MZMs and manipulate them to make qubits. The early claims of observations of MZM in superconductor/semiconductor nanowires and of chiral Majorana fermions in the hybrids of superconductor-quantum anomalous Hall systems are highly controversial and published key articles have been retracted, which have poured cold water on the research community. We view the retractions as a technical setback only, and topological quantum computing remains promising. In this special topic, we include five papers to report several advancements and perspectives of topological quantum computing.A major progress in topological quantum computing in the past several years is the observation of strong evidence of MZM inside a topological superconducting vortex, first on the surface of a few layers of the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 on top of an s-wave superconductor NbSe 2 , and then, more robust evidence in iron-based superconductors with a topological Dirac surface state. It is generally believed that the observed zero-bias peak inside the vortex is associated with the Majorana bound state. The recent progress in the iron-Majorana platform is reviewed by Liu and Ding [1]. A vortex is a topological object that provides protection to the designed MZM from impurities, which may explain the robustness of MZMs in the iron-Majorana platform. The main challenge in the iron-Majorana platform is to manipulate the MZMs. In the nanowire platform, the key challenges are high sample quality to ensure MZMs predicted in the ideal case, to engineer and detect MZMs, and to distinguish them from other bound states. Some of the progress along this line is reviewed by Liu and his collaborators [2]. We expect the nanowire to remain a promising design option for topo...