During the past two decades, terahertz (THz) science and technology have rapidly expanded in all fundamental and applied aspects of physical, chemical, and biological sciences. In physical sciences, these developments have been twofolds: i) the use of THz technology in understanding the complexities of materials and ii) the exploration of new THz functionalities of emerging materials for further advancement of THz technology. Here, the THz emission spectroscopy and the ultrafast functionality of three pillars of electronic and magnetic condensed matter systems that emerged in the following order: high-temperature superconductors, colossal magnetoresistive manganites, and magnetoelectric multiferroics are reviewed. Emission functionality refers to the emitted THz radiation that carries the information of the underlying functional property of the material such that the overall effect evolves as the THz decoding of the information in a noninvasive manner and on an ultrafast timescale.The HTSC is one of the most attractive perovskite oxides in terms of fundamental science and future applications such as in quantum information and THz devices. Superconductivity