SUMMARYIn Escherichia coli K-12, the phoE gene encodes an outer membrane pore protein, which is induced by phosphate starvation. The co~esponding gene of ~~tero~acter cfoucae was transferred to E. coli K-12 by using RP4 : : mini Mu plasmid pULB 113 and selecting for R-prime plasmids that carry the genesproA andpro& which are closely linked to phoE in E. coli K-12. The phoE gene was subcloned into the multicopy vector pACYC 184, and the location of the gene was determined by analysis of in vitro constructed deletion plasmids and mutant plasmids generated by $5 insertions. The E. CioacaephoE gene is normally expressed in E. coli K-12, and the regulation of the expression is similar to that of the E. coiipho~ gene. Function~ly, the products of the phoE genes of E. coli K-12 and E. cloacae behave very similarly since they form pores in the outer membrane with a recognition site for negatively charged compounds and they serve as (part of) the receptor for phage TC45.The outer membrane of Enterobacteriaceae functions as a barrier for harmful compounds. The