High spin states in 85Rb and 85Sr were populated in the reactions 76Ge(12C, p2n) and 76Ge(lZC,3n), respectively. The lifetimes of twelve states were measured via the recoil distance Doppler shift technique. The positive parity bands in both nuclei associated with the g9] 2 orbit exhibit decrasing E2 strengths for increasing spin value marking the onset of multiparticle excitation.Nuclear Reactions: V6Ge(tZC, p2n)85Rb; 76Ge(lZC, 3n)8SSr; E=42-52 MeV; measured E~, I~, recoil distance Doppler shift. 85Rb, 85Kr levels deduced 3. Enriched targets. Shell model and muli-partMe core coupling calculations.