The early history and development of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) up to the time of the first commercial SEMs has been described by Oatley.1 In the first instance, commercial SEMs were manufactured both in England 2 and in Japan.3 -5 The history of the SEM has also been described by many authors.6 -21 Improvements in the performance and in the ease of operation of commercial SEMs have been remarkable and are expected to continue. Knoll 22,24 achieved four important experimental results using the apparatus shown in Fig. 1: (i) He obtained the specimen of a current image from solid polycrystalline sample as shown in Fig. 2. (ii) This image shows orientationdependent contrasts between grains as would now appear to be caused by electron channeling contrast. (iii) He measured the secondary electron (SE) plus backscattered electron (BSE) coefficient as a function of incident beam energy E 0 from various materials and showed that there is a 'second crossover' value of ¾1.5 keV for E 0 when SE C BSE coefficient is unity. The charging of the specimen is then minimized and is also stable. (iv) He measured the potential to which a nonconducting particle is charged by the beam by an early version of quantitative voltage contrast. Figure 3 shows an electron scattering model for the generation of SE that was proposed by von Ardenne, 25 which shows initial beam-broadening; wide-angle scattering; diffusion; escape of BSE and the excitation of SE at every stage. He proposed two kinds of high-resolution SE images. The first (now called SE-I imaging following a detailed discussion by Peters 26 ) is with E 0 equal to several tens of kiloelectronvolts so that the penetration depth (a few micrometers) is many times greater than the SE escape depth