Purpose: Cognitive awareness involves problem-solving skills to perform appropriate actions. Information observes from the environment will help users to interpret information and select the best solution to perform actions. On the other hand, in learning, the gamified learning approach is one of the alternatives to enhance learners’ cognitive awareness, where it requires learners to analyze information that they perceive from the gamified learning environment, analyze information into a meaningful decision and reflects of user’s actions. The ultimate goal of this study is to identify criteria for cognitive awareness using hexad characteristics, which will be further in designing gamified learning interface design.
Methodology: In this study, sets of questionnaires were adapted from user hexad player type that consists of seventy questions will be distributed to 400 respondents. In this phase quantitative data is obtained through the questionnaire form provided. Targeted respondents were among engineering students in the Universiti of Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia. In this study, the researcher may choose respondents using purposive sampling from engineering students by giving through a class representative. The researcher also distributes this questionnaire to faculty and library. This study used 5-point Likert scales, with the range from one, "very disagree" and the scale of five represents a "very agreeable" statement.
Main findings: Findings showed a positive effect over players' characteristics in gamified learning used in cognitive awareness in hexad characteristic user comprises consumer, exploiter, self-seeker, socializer, philanthropist, free spirit, achiever and networker.
Applications: From this study, it will have a positive effect on student cognitive awareness as well as improving student achievement in using new methods. In conclusion, gamified learning approach help to enhance the students’ understanding of learning and eventually will help the students to make a better decision in their learning process. Furthermore, knowing the characteristics of users in gamified learning will help the interface designer to design and interface or requirements that meet the needs of learners.
Novelty/Originality of this study: It is hoped that this study will contribute learners and their learning process through a gamified learning approach and at the same time to enhance their cognitive awareness while dealing with problems or issues that may arise around them.