In Free Space Optic Mobile Ad hoc Networks (FSO MANET), during data transmission through hierarchical routing protocol, the route failure may either occur if the node has expired due to energy drain or if the node is not positioned with the succeeding hop node owing to mobility. To circumvent these obstacles, in this work, a cross layered reconfigurable protocol for routing with multiple transceivers called as optical sphere in FSO MANET is developed in NS‐2. In this protocol, the nodes are clustered, and the cluster head is selected using network source connector. If any of the cluster member expire due to energy drain and if the alternate path is not available in the routing table, then the source will perform route reconfiguration to change the orientation and transmission radius of the node resulting in direct transmission of packet to cluster head. During data transmission through re‐configured route, if the node interface is positioned with respect to the succeeding hop node, then the packet can be delivered. Otherwise, per‐flow buffer algorithm is used for re alignment. Results simulated show that the proposed protocol surpasses the existing works in terms of delay, delivery ratio, and residual energy.