A model-based framework, due originally to R. A. Fisher, and a design-based framework, due originally to J. Neyman, offer alternative mechanisms for inference from samples to populations. We show how these frameworks can utilize different types of samples (nonrandom or random vs. only random) and allow different kinds of inference (descriptive vs. analytic) to different kinds of populations (finite vs. infinite). We describe the extent of each framework's implementation in observational psychology research. After clarifying some important limitations of each framework, we describe how these limitations are overcome by a newer hybrid model/designbased inferential framework. This hybrid framework allows both kinds of inference to both kinds of populations, given a random sample. We illustrate implementation of the hybrid framework using the High School and Beyond data set.Nonrandom sampling involves selecting units (e.g., persons) with unknown probabilities of selection from a finite population of units. This finite population may be poorly defined (e.g., all persons who saw a flier posted on a community bulletin board) or well defined (e.g., all children attending licensed daycare centers in Dayton, Ohio). Nonrandom, or purposive, sampling is common in observational psychology research. For example, 76% of observational studies in 2006 issues of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, and Journal of Educational Psychology used nonrandom samples (Sterba, Prinstein, & Nock, 2008). Psychologists often raise the following two questions about nonrandom samples in observational research (e.g., Jaffe, 2005;Peterson, 2001;Sears, 1986;Serlin, Wampold, & Levin, 2003;Sherman, Buddie, Dragan, End, & Finney, 1999; Siemer & Joorman, 2003;Wintre, North, & Sugar, 2001).
Can statistical inferences be made from nonrandom samples; if so, under what conditions and to what population?2. Do inferences made from nonrandom samples differ from those possible under random sampling?According to some psychology research methods texts, the answer to the first question is no: "Although these purposive sampling methods are more practical than formal probability sampling, they are not backed by a statistical logic that justifies formal generalizations" (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002, pp. 24, 356; see also Cook & Campbell, 1979, pp. 72-73 1982, pp. 255, 158-166).Again consulting psychology research methods texts, the answer to the second question remains unclear. For example, Shadish et al. (2002) note that randomly selecting units-that is, sampling units with known probabilities of selection from a well-defined finite population of units-facilitates generalization from those sample units to the finite population by ensuring a "match between sample and population distributions on measured and unmeasured attributes within known limits of sampling error" (p. 343; see also Cook & Campbell, 1979, p. 75). 2 But specifics are not provided as to whether the known probabilities ...