We previously reconstituted a minimal DNA replicase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa consisting of ␣ and ⑀ (polymerase and editing nuclease),  (processivity factor), and the essential , ␦, and ␦ components of the clamp loader complex (Jarvis, T., Beaudry, A., Bullard, J., Janjic, N., and McHenry, C. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 7890 -7900). In Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, and are tightly associated clamp loader accessory subunits. The addition of E. coli to the minimal P. aeruginosa replicase stimulated its activity, suggesting the existence of and counterparts in P. aeruginosa. The P. aeruginosa subunit was recognizable from sequence similarity, but was not. Here we report purification of an endogenous replication complex from P. aeruginosa. Identification of the components led to the discovery of the cryptic subunit, encoded by holD. P. aeruginosa and were co-expressed and purified as a 1:1 complex. P. aeruginosa increased the specific activity of 3 ␦␦ 25-fold and enabled the holoenzyme to function under physiological salt conditions. A synergistic effect between and single-stranded DNA binding protein was observed. Sequence similarity to P. aeruginosa allowed us to identify subunits from several other Pseudomonads and to predict probable translational start sites for this protein family. This represents the first identification of a highly divergent branch of the family and confirms the existence of in several organisms in which was not identifiable based on sequence similarity alone.Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) 3 is a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium. Whereas exposure to PA normally poses no threat, PA can act as an opportunistic pathogen in susceptible populations. At particular risk for PA infection are immunocompromised patients, burn patients, and cystic fibrosis patients. PA is the most common Gram-negative pathogen, accounting for 10% of all infections in intensive care patients. The lungs of cystic fibrosis patients are commonly colonized by PA before 10 years of age, and chronic infection is the most significant cause of morbidity and mortality (1). Multidrug-resistant PA is becoming increasingly common in hospitalized patients (2), driving the need for new antipseudomonal agents. We are exploring the DNA replication apparatus of PA as a target for inhibitors that might prove therapeutically useful in treating PA infections.Bacterial DNA replication has been extensively characterized in Escherichia coli. Of the five DNA polymerases that have been identified in E. coli, only DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (pol III holoenzyme) plays a major role in chromosomal replication. Most of the genes encoding holoenzyme subunits are essential (3-9), and the multisubunit pol III holoenzyme exhibits all of the properties required for accurate and efficient DNA synthesis: rapid elongation, high processivity, high fidelity, and the ability to function under physiological salt conditions (10 -12).
3Pol III holoenzyme contains three functional units: the catalytic core, the processivity factor or "slidi...