Under assumption of existence of extremely large gravitational vector field, this paper proposes a road map for building an Axiomatic Eddington Affine Unification theory yielding both Maxwell's electromagnetism and Vectormetric theory of gravitation, in which inverse of the square-magnitude of the vector serves as Newton's gravitational constant. The dependence of the vector's magnitude with distance may offer an explanation of both Pioneer anomaly and "star rotation abnormality" in some Galaxies. In addition, the theory provides formalism for a classical description of atomic particles (such as protons and electrons) with highly non-linear equations and highly localized solutions. The existence of large Gravitational vector field can, for some variables (sub-fields), lead to elliptical type ( ) tt xx ∂ + ∂ differential equations (unlike in Maxwell's electromagnetism, which is hyperbolic tt xx ∂ − ∂ ), that by its nature forbids the existence independent waves and their propagation. Proposed Unified field description might provide the avenue for smooth transition to the world Quantum physics.
KeywordsGeneral Relativity, Affine Unification, Vector-Metric Gravitation, Gravitational Constant, Emerging Gravitation, Large Gravitational Field, Dark Matter
Short Summary of the Paper and Its ResultsThis paper presents a road map for building a unified field description of matter.It describes the physical basis (postulates) and the physical phenomenon in more or less generic terms and writes most formula in symbolic manner. But even in Our starting point is our desire to derive Newton gravitational constant, and in fact the entire gravitation, thru only atomic "interaction" (i.e. some property that are present in every atomic formation) and atomic units coupled with the number of particles in the Universe (or at least of our Galaxy).We use Affine description only as an avenue for obtaining the Lagrangian and the covariant set of equations that describe the evolution of the fields. We do not subscribe to any geometrical interpretation and/or any "geometrization" of physical forces or physical entities other than metric tensor that describes the curved space.For the majority of physicists who undoubtedly reject the field unification idea strictly on the grounds that true description of matter must be QuantumMechanical, may I suggest this thought for consideration? One can view field description proposed here as a classical limit of quantum mechanical wave functions description and use it as a starting point for quantization as it has been, for example, done for bozon quantum field theory, which starts as a classical nonzero mass vector field. 1) Our main assumption is such that gravitation is described as two entities:metric tensor ij r ≡ r and by a Gravitational vectorwhich is an attribute of all particles (or at least the heavy ones) just like Electromagnetic field is an attribute of all charged particle. The difference though is that the Gravitational field always comes with "the same sign" sort of speak and thu...