, and specific postural training (SPT). The factors were used either alone (SPT group) or in combination (DOIϩSPT, EESϩSPT, and DOIϩEESϩSPT groups) or not used (control group). It was found that in none of these groups did normal postural corrective movements in response to lateral tilts of the supporting platform reappear within the month of treatment. In control group, reduced irregular electromyographic (EMG) responses, either correctly or incorrectly phased in relation to tilts, were observed. By contrast, in DOIϩSPT and EESϩSPT groups, a gradual threefold increase in the proportion of correctly phased EMG responses (compared with control) was observed. The increase was smaller in DOIϩEESϩSPT and SPT groups. Dissimilarly to these long-term effects, short-term effects of DOI and EES were weak or absent. In addition, gradual development of oscillatory EMG activity in the responses to tilts, characteristic for the control group, was retarded in DOIϩSPT, EESϩSPT, DOIϩEESϩSPT, and SPT groups. Thus regular application of the three tested factors and their combinations caused progressive, long-lasting plastic changes in the isolated spinal networks, resulting in the facilitation of spinal postural reflexes and in the retardation of the development of oscillatory EMG activity. The facilitated reflexes, however, were insufficient for normal postural functions. postural corrections; spinal cord injury; (Ϯ)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride; rabbit WHEN STANDING, QUADRUPEDAL ANIMALS maintain the dorsalside-up body orientation and equilibrium due to the activity of the postural system (Deliagina et al.