This paper analytically explores the missing links between teacher education and social problems also known as social ills. A social problem is a condition which effects large number of people in an adverse manner. It can also be seen as a difficulty of misbehaviour which vast majority wants to correct. Social problem also arises when there is deviation from accepted social norms. These are usually threats to established social norms and therefore, it is necessary to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Elimination of social ills posed challenges to all and sundry including teaching profession. The paper views education in the 21 st century as a dramatic departure from information delivery system of the past. A career in education is rigorous, intellectual and ethical work. Teaching is an opportunity to touch the future and reform society at large. The paper argues that there is need for a new cohort of teacher educators that approach teacher education based on clinical and experiential theories of learning. Teaching at its core is a moral profession, "scratch a good teacher and you will find a moral purpose'. Therefore, teacher education programs must help teaching learners to learn social responsibility and moral purpose that influence them with the tools that will prepare them to engage in productive change. Finally, the paper posits that social ills can be dealt with provided teacher education links initial teacher preparation and continuous teacher development based on social responsibility, moral purpose and attitudinal change with the corresponding restructuring of societal needs and their relationships. The paper recommends elimination of justice discriminatory practice everywhere especially on women, less privileged and minorities in order to create harmony of co-existence and cooperation amongst Nigerians.