The scaling behavior for the rectification of bipolar nanopores is studied using the Nernst-Planck equation coupled to the Local Equilibrium Monte Carlo method. The bipolar nanopore's wall carries σ and −σ surface charge densities in its two half regions axially. Scaling means that the device function (rectification) depends on the system parameters (pore length, H, pore radius, R, concentration, c, voltage, U , and surface charge density, σ) via a single scaling parameter that is a smooth analytical function of the system parameters. Here, we suggest using a modified Dukhin number, mDu = |σ|l * B λ D HU/(RU 0 ), where l * B = 8πl B , l B is the Bjerrum length, λ D is the Debye length, and U 0 is a reference voltage. We show how scaling depends on H, U , and σ and through what mechanisms these parameters influence the pore's behavior.