Background: Treatment quality and outcomes of paediatric home parenteral nutrition (HPN) program during its development in the Czech Republic. Methods: A retrospective study of patients receiving HPN from May 1995 till June 2011. Results: Sixty-six patients were treated in 8 centres. In 48 patients, long-term PN began in the first year of life and in 35 of them in the first month. Sixty children had gastrointestinal and 6 had non-gastrointestinal disease. In a majority of the patients, the Broviac catheter was used. Thirty-two (48.5%) patients were weaned from PN after 1-117 months, 21 (32.8%) continued on HPN after 7-183 months, and 13 (19.7%) patients died, all on PN. The mortality in patients with primary gastrointestinal disease was significantly lower than in patients with non-gastrointestinal disease. Thirty-one paediatric patients were receiving HPN for 14,480 catheter days in 2009-2010. Fourteen patients had 23 Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections (CRBSI) episodes. The incidence of CRBSI in 2009-2010 was 1.58/1,000 catheter days. Conclusion: Submitted data showed that even in the absence of expert centres, patient care may achieve results comparable to countries with well-developed HPN program. A majority of Czech HPN patients are at present treated in specialized centres, following the most desirable pattern of care.