“…Vertebral metastasis 1 month later managed with 4Ă— PEI and 4 rounds of chemo (adriamycin, ifosfamide, mesna). Tumour relapsed and rapidly enlarged with paralysis on 7 months review, patient died 16 months after initial surgery6 | Belga et al (2012) [70] | 66/F | Nil | Increase in abdominal girth | R | 14 | n/a | Resection (UM) | Mitoses > 4/10 HPF, necrosis, mild nuclear atypia | NAD | CD34+ | 30 months |
7 | Jakob et al (2013) [72] | 62/F | Nil | Upper abdominal pain and weight loss | L | n/a | n/a | Resection (UM) | High cellularity, cytological atypia, necrosis, mitoses 6/10 HPF | NAD | CD34+, CD99+, bcl-2+ | n/a |
8 | Vythianathan and Yong (2013) [74] | 78/M | Nil | Epigastric pain | L | 17 × 13 | n/a | Resection (UM) | Cellular pleomorphism, necrosis, mitoses > 4/10 HPF | n/a | CD34+, CD99+, bcl-2+, V+ | n/a |
9 | Song et al (2014) [75] | 49/M | Nil | Abdominal pain | L + R | 7.6 × 5 × 4.8 | n/a | Resection (UM) | NAD | n/a | CD34+, bcl-2+, V+ | n/a |
10 | Du et al (2015) [56] | 55/F | Rec | Hypoglycaemia and weight loss | L | 15.3 × 15.5 × 15.4 | n/a | Resection (UM) | n/a | NAD | CD34+, bcl-2+ | Local recurrence 5 years postsurgery, resected |
11 | Feng et al (2015) [20] | 52/F | Rec | n/a | R | 12 | n/a | Resection (UM) | Haemorrhage, necrosis | NAD | CD34+ | Local recurrence 2Â years postsurgery on L lobe managed with PEI. New lesion 6Â months after PEI |
12 | Silvanto et al (2015) [24] | 65/M | Nil | Incidental finding | L | 18 | n/a | Resection (lesion 1–2 mm from margins) | Myxoid changes, infarction, necrosis mitoses 5–7/10 HPF | NAD | CD34+, CD99+, bcl-2+ | 16 months |
13 | Maccio et al (2015) [46] | 74/F | Met | Right abdominal pain and distension | R | 24 × 16 | n/a |