1976. Hematopoiesis of the kissing gourami (Helostoma temmincki). Effects of starvation, bleeding, and plasmastimulating factors on its erythropoiesis. Can. J. Zool. 54: 11 15-1 127. Starvation and bleeding of the kissing gourami were found to induce a pronounced anemia. After 9 days of starvation there was a 45% decrease in the numbers of circulating erythrocytes, and within 24 h of bleeding a fish (1% of the body weight) there was a 39% decrease in the red cell count, which elicited a reticulocytosis and leukocytosis. The blood volumes remained unchanged in the starved or bled fish. When the 9-day-starved fish was used to evaluate the hematopoieticstimulating capacity of different substances, plasma from normal fish decreased erythropoietic activity, while plasmafromfishmade anemic by bleedingor 1 International Reference Preparation unit of human urinary erythropoietin evoked erythropoietic and leukocytopoietic activities.The estimated minimal red cell life-span in this fish was found to be about 13 days. However, there was some evidence for the existence of a population of long-lived erythrocytes. The 59Fe incorporation value per milligram of organ was highest in the spleen, with kidney and liver showing less activity.These studies not only provide information for the understanding of the regulatory mechanism(s) involved in blood cell production in the fish, but also present evidence of the existence in fish of intrinsic hemopoietic regulatory factors, possibly hormonal in nature.
WEINBERG, S. R.. J. LDRLIE. C. D. SIECEL et A. S. GORDON. 1476. Hematupoiesis of the kissine sourami CHelosrama r~mminl-ki). EfTects of starvatian. bleeding, and plasmastirnulatingfactors on its erythmpoiesis. Can. I. Zool. -54: I 1 15-1 127. Le je6ne et la saignee causent une animie sen'euse chez le gourami. A p r k 9jours dc jefine, on enregistre une chute de 45% du nombre d'erythrocytes en circulation et une saignee ( 1% dupoids corpnreI total) pruduit en mains de 24 h une diminution de 3Wr des globules rouges, causant ainsi une rkticulocytase et une leucocytose. Cependant, ni la saignee. nl le j e h e n'entrainent de changementsdu volume sanpuin. Dnns les expiriences oh an urilise des poissonsau jeine depuis 9 jours pour evaluer la capacite de stimulation himatopoiktique. le plasma d'un poisson normal dirninue l'activitk irythropoY&tique. alors que le plasma de poissons rendus anemiques par saignCe ou par I'administration de I 1RP de H LYE (Internatiunal Reference Preparation unit of human urinary erythrupoietin) suscite i In fnis I'activ~te erythropoiitique et I'activite leucccytopoietique.La duree de vie minimale evaluee d'un globule rouge est d'environ 13 jours chez ce poisson. Cependant, on possede des indices de I'existence d'une population d'erythrocytes a longue vie. L'indice d'incorporation de 59Fe par milligramme d'organe est eleve dans la rate, alors que le rein et le foie ont une activite moindre.Ces donntes permettent une meilleure comprehension des mecanismes regulateurs de production des globules rouges du poisson e...