Ca2+ influx triggers the fusion of synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic active zone (AZ). Here we demonstrate a role of Ras-related in brain 3 (Rab3)-interacting molecules 2α and β (RIM2α and RIM2β) in clustering voltage-gated Ca V 1.3 Ca 2+ channels at the AZs of sensory inner hair cells (IHCs). We show that IHCs of hearing mice express mainly RIM2α, but also RIM2β and RIM3γ, which all localize to the AZs, as shown by immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunohistochemistry, patch-clamp, fluctuation analysis, and confocal Ca 2+ imaging demonstrate that AZs of RIM2α-deficient IHCs cluster fewer synaptic Ca V 1.3 Ca 2+ channels, resulting in reduced synaptic Ca 2+ influx. Using superresolution microscopy, we found that Ca 2+ channels remained clustered in stripes underneath anchored ribbons. Electron tomography of high-pressure frozen synapses revealed a reduced fraction of membrane-tethered vesicles, whereas the total number of membrane-proximal vesicles was unaltered. Membrane capacitance measurements revealed a reduction of exocytosis largely in proportion with the Ca 2+ current, whereas the apparent Ca 2+ dependence of exocytosis was unchanged. Hair cell-specific deletion of all RIM2 isoforms caused a stronger reduction of Ca 2+ influx and exocytosis and significantly impaired the encoding of sound onset in the postsynaptic spiral ganglion neurons. Auditory brainstem responses indicated a mild hearing impairment on hair cell-specific deletion of all RIM2 isoforms or global inactivation of RIM2α. We conclude that RIM2α and RIM2β promote a large complement of synaptic Ca 2+ channels at IHC AZs and are required for normal hearing.ens of Ca V 1.3 Ca 2+ channels are thought to cluster within the active zone (AZ) membrane underneath the presynaptic density of inner hair cells (IHCs) (1-4). They make up the key signaling element, coupling the sound-driven receptor potential to vesicular glutamate release (5-7). The mechanisms governing the number of Ca 2+ channels at the AZ as well as their spatial organization relative to membrane-tethered vesicles are not well understood. Disrupting the presynaptic scaffold protein Bassoon diminishes the numbers of Ca 2+ channels and membrane-tethered vesicles at the AZ (2, 8). However, the loss of Bassoon is accompanied by the loss of the entire synaptic ribbon, which makes it challenging to distinguish the direct effects of gene disruption from secondary effects (9).Among the constituents of the cytomatrix of the AZ, RIM1 and RIM2 proteins are prime candidates for the regulation of Ca 2+ channel clustering and function (10, 11). The family of RIM proteins has seven identified members (RIM1α, RIM1β, RIM2α, RIM2β, RIM2γ, RIM3γ, and RIM4γ) encoded by four genes (RIM1-RIM4). All isoforms contain a C-terminal C 2 domain but differ in the presence of additional domains. RIM1 and RIM2 interact with Ca 2+ channels, most other proteins of the cytomatrix of the AZ, and synaptic vesicle proteins. They interact directly with the auxiliary β (Ca V β) subunits (12, 13) and poreforming Ca V α subun...