There are 15 plant species included in the Russian Red Book, which occur in the Republic of Mordovia: Najas tenuissima, Koeleria sclerophylla, Stipa dasyphylla, S. pennata, S. pulcherrima, S. zalesskii, Fritillaria ruthenica, Iris aphylla, Cypripedium calceolus, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipogium aphyllum, Neottianthe cucullata, Orchis militaris, Neotinea ustulata, Thymus cimicinus. Of these, only C. calceolus is included in the Global Red List as Critically Endangered. Threat status for studied species in Mordovia was assessed, and their distribution dynamics in this region throughout 12 years was described. Recent floristic studies, inspections of herbariums and literature were used for searches all provided data. Grid mapping and IUCN criteria were used. Nine taxa were determined as Critically Endangered, three as Endangered, one as Vulnerable, one as Near Threatened and one as Data Deficient. The areas of occupancy and extent of occurrence in Mordovia were assessed for each taxon. All studied species should be included in the next edition of the Mordovian Red Book. F. ruthenica, E. aphyllum, N. ustulata, T. cimicinus require additional studies to confirm earlier observations. Za naštete vrste smo ocenili status ogroženosti in njihovo dinamiko razširjenosti v tej regiji v zadnjih 12 letih. Za predstavljene podatke smo uporabili nedavne floristične raziskave, preglede herbarijskih zbirk in literaturo. Uporabili smo metodo kartiranja kvadrantov in kriterije IUCN. Devet taksonov smo ocenili kot skrajno ogrožene, tri kot ogrožene, enega kot ranljivo vrsto, enega kot potencialno ogroženega in enega kot vrsto za katero obstaja premalo podatkov. Za vsak takson smo določili območje celotne in dejanske razširjenosti. Vse obravnavane vrste je potrebno vključiti v naslednjo izdajo rdečega seznama Mordovije. Za vrste Fritillaria ruthenica, Epipogium aphyllum, Neotinea ustulata, Thymus cimicinus so potrebne dodatne raziskave, ki bi potrdile prejšnja opažanja.