Given a sample of size n from a population of individuals belonging to different species with unknown proportions, a problem of practical interest consists in making inference on the probability Dn(l) that the (n + 1)-th draw coincides with a species with frequency l in the sample, for any l = 0, 1, . . . , n. This paper contributes to the methodology of Bayesian nonparametric inference for Dn(l).Specifically, under the general framework of Gibbs-type priors we show how to derive credible intervals for a Bayesian nonparametric estimation of Dn(l), and we investigate the large n asymptotic behaviour of such an estimator. Of particular interest are special cases of our results obtained under the specification of the two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet prior and the normalized generalized Gamma prior. With respect for these prior specifications, the proposed results are illustrated through a simulation study and a benchmark Expressed Sequence Tags dataset. To the best our knowledge, this provides the first comparative study between the two-