We studied the chemical composition of tea plants and tangerine at foliar application sulfates Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, and of boric acid solution. At stopped growing leaves most accurately reflect the degree of security of the tea plant essential micronutrients, the content of which is more stable than in flush, where their concentration is not stable. Concentration of trace elements studied in the semi-finished product prepared from raw experimental batches, does not exceed the allowable state standard values. Our studied that leaf tangerine also revealed the existence of a positive impact on the accumulation of trace elements Mn, Zn, B and Fe as the leaves and fruits at a foliar application of these elements. Was studied that effect of micronutrient foliar application on the functional state of cultures. We showed that effect of trace elements on the adaptability of the plant tea and tangerine, which is reflected in the existence of a clear trend of increasing plant resistance to drought. For example, foliar fertilizing of manganese (r = -0.69) and zinc (r = -0.73) significantly reduces the concentration of cellular juice flushes of tea; tea processing manganese, zinc, iron contributes to a significant enhancement of the enzymatic activity of the experimental plant; stimulates growth processes, resulting in an increase in leaf area; increases the productivity of plants: the increase in years of research by 11.7 - 25.3 per cent higher than the control (average 65.8 kg.ha-1). Processing plants copper (r = 0.68 - 0.72), manganese (r = 0.70 - 0.81) and iron (r = 0.82 - 0.69) contribute to the increase in the content of tender fraction (r = 0.59 - 0.71) and content (3 - 4%) of tannin in raw materials. manganese and zinc at tangerine plants increased (1.3 - 1.5 times) the water-holding capacity of leaves, decreased water deficit (1.6 times) and promote adaptive responses of plants to stress factors (drought); addition of copper, manganese and boron resulted in the increase of all photosynthetic pigments. It can be concluded that the application of micronutrients is an additional reserve to increase the productivity of the culture of tea and tangerine.