This article examines nonlexical vocalizations in board game interactions, focusing on "moans." Moans are prolonged, voiced, response cries. Moans react to game events where the player has suffered in some way. Despite the complaint-relevant nature of moans, game actions are never withdrawn in response to a moan, Moans are treated as laughable, while lexical complaints invoke arguments and apologies. This article suggests that moans are a manifestation of managing Bateson's play paradox in that they denote suffering but also willingness to continue play and a validation of the prior event. Moans are suggested to be a contextualization cue for "this is play." Given the relative unconventionality of the form of moans, these tokens are suggested as evidence that lack of conventionalization may be a members resource rather than a problem. The article analyzes a corpus of 34 hours of video-recorded board game play (169 tokens) in English (Canadian, American, and British). This article examines a set of nonlexical vocalizations used by adults in a play setting, specifically the use of "moans" during board games. "Moans" are nonlexical response cries that occur in response to game events where the utterer "suffers" in some way; when something goes wrong for players in the game, they produce a response cry, which Goffman (1978, p. 800) described as "exclamatory interjections which are not full-fledged words." In examining moans, the article will contribute to our understanding of nonlexical vocalizations, play-in-interaction among adults, and contextualization cues for nonseriousness and play. In particular, this article will describe how moans are a member's method for achieving an action as play, thus providing a concrete example of one of Bateson's (1972/2006) signals, also called contextualization cues.