As building blocks of dust, rocky planets, and even complex life, the chemical elements heavier than hydrogen (H) and helium (He) -called "metals" in astronomy -play an essential role in our Universe and its evolution. Up to Fe and Ni, these metals are known to be created by stars and stellar remnants via nuclear fusion and to be ejected into their immediate surroundings to enrich new stellar generations. A spectacular finding, however, is that these processed elements are found even outside stellar systems, in particular in the hot, X-ray atmospheres surrounding early-type galaxies and pervading galaxy clusters and groups. These large-scales structures are thus a remarkable fossil record of the integrated history of the enrichment of our Universe. In this Chapter, we briefly discuss the chemical properties of this intracluster -or intragroup -medium (ICM). After introducing the concept of chemical abundances, and recalling which stellar sources produce which elements, we review the method to derive abundance measurements from observations of the ICM and detail some chemical models implemented in numerical hydrodynamical simulations of cosmic structures. In particular, we explore how synergies between X-ray observations and numerical simulations help us to understand (i) the cosmic epoch at which the bulk of the enrichment occurred, (ii) the physics of these stellar sources responsible for this enrichment, and (iii) the main mechanisms responsible for metal diffusion and mixing outside galaxies.