The flower is the most significant and beautiful part of plants. Flowers are very useful organs in plant developmental phenomenon. During flower bud opening, various events takes place in a well defined sequence, representing all aspects of plant development, such as cell division, cellular differentiation, cell elongation or expansion and a wide spectrum of gene expression. The complexity of flower bud opening illustrates that various biological mechanisms are involved at different stages. Senescence represents the ultimate stage of floral development and results in wilting or abscission of whole flower or flower parts. Senescence is an active process and governed by a well defined cell death program. Once a flower bud opens, the programmed senescence of petal allows the removal of a metabolically active tissue. In leaves, this process can be reversed, but in floral tissue it cannot, indicating that a highly controlled genetic program for cell death is operating. The termination of a flower involves at least two, sometimes overlapping, mechanisms. In one, the perianth abscises before the majority of its cells initiate a cell death program. Abscission may occur before or during the mobilization of food reserves to other parts of the plant. Alternatively, the petals may be more persistent, so that cell deterioration and food remobilization occur while the petals are still part of the flower. The overall pattern of floral opening varies widely between plant genera, therefore, a number of senescence parameters have been used to group plants into somewhat arbitrary categories. Opening and senescence of rose flower is still an unsolved jigsaw in the world of floriculture industry and the mechanism behind the onset of the very early events in the sequence still remains to be elucidated. Hence, for advancing the knowledge on the pertinent aspect of bud opening and senescence the literature has been cited under this review.Keywords Abscisic acid Á Ascorbate peroxidase Á Catalase Á Ethylene Á Gibberellin Á Glutathione reductase Á Hydrogen peroxide Á Hydroxyl radical Á Lipoxygenase Á Pectin methyl esterase Á Polygalactouronase Á Peroxidase Á Relative water content
Plant growths regulators
Gibberellins (GAs)The role of GAs in petal growth has been demonstrated in many plants. Analysis of endogenous GAs in young petunia anthers and corolla indicated the