In this paper we consider the systemẋ = (A() + m P (t;))x, x ∈ R 3 , where is a small parameter, A, P are all 3 × 3 skew symmetric matrices, A is a constant matrix with eigenvalues ±iλ() and 0, whereλ() = λ + am 0 m 0 + O(m 0 +1)(m 0 < m), am 0 = 0, P is a quasi-periodic matrix with basic frequencies ω = (1, α) with α being irrational. First, it is proved that for most of sufficiently small parameters, this system can be reduced to a rotation system. Furthermore, if the basic frequencies satisfy that 0 ≤ β(α) < r, where β(α) measures how Liouvillean α is, r is the initial analytic radius, it is proved that for most of sufficiently small parameters, this system can be reduced to constant system by means of a quasi-periodic change of variables.