Real-time streams are common for nowadays communication for both data and video. Real-time data communication such as chat application and telemetry, as well as real-time video communication such as video call, video conference, or monitoring video are prone to the third party attacked. End to end encryption has been considered as the most realistic solution such as applied by WhatsApp so that the transmitted data is difficult to be revealed by the attacker. Since encryption and decryption processes injected additional delay, the algorithm should be fast enough to avoid inconvenience to users. This paper examines delay distribution for encrypted real-time traffics. The simulation shows that the decryption contributed the most to the end to end delay. Decryption delay is about 4.58 times higher than encryption and transmission delay. Although assessment involves only two links, the complex network has relatively lower than the obtained decryption delay. Meanwhile, encryption contributed only about 0.2% to the overall end to end delay.