Abstract-Prediction-based transformation is applied to control-affine systems with distributed input delays. Transformed system state is calculated as a prediction of the system's future response to the past input with future input set to zero. Stabilization of the new system leads to Lyapunov-Krasovskii proven stabilization of the original one. Conditions on the original system are: smooth linearly bounded openloop vector field and smooth uniformly bounded input vectors. About the transformed system which turns out to be affine in the undelayed input but with input vectors dependent on the input history and system state, we assume existence of a linearly bounded stabilizing feedback and quadratically bounded control-Lyapunov function. If all assumptions hold globally, then achieved exponential stability is global, otherwise local. Analytical and numerical control design examples are provided.Index Terms-Nonlinear systems, delayed control, NL predictive control, stability of NL systems.
I. NOTATIONThe symbol P C(T, X) stands for the space of piecewise continuous functions mapping T ⊂ R into a Euclidean space X. The L 2 norm of ϕ ∈ P C [−h, 0), R m is ϕ , i.e.,Given u ∈ P C [t − h, t), R m , where h > 0, let ut be a function defined as ut(θ) = u(t + θ) for all θ ∈ [−h, 0).O(R) is the closed R-ball about the origin in a normed space, specifically,II. INTRODUCTION
A. Problem statementConsider the systeṁwhere x ∈ R n , u ∈ R m , h > 0, and the following assumptions hold for some M f < ∞ and R ∈ (0, ∞]: 1) regarding f , for all x, x0 ∈ O(R):2) regarding B1, for all x, x0 ∈ O(R):Manuscript received January 15, 2015, revised June 6, 2015, accepted October 22, 2015 A. Ponomarev is with the