In dogs and cats, food intolerances are very common and can affect the skin, ears, eyes, and gastrointestinal, nervous, urinary, respiratory, and reproductive systems [1-4]. Although skin and intestinal symptoms are the most commonly reported, the reproductive system may also be affected, with consequent decrease in male and female fertility [2,5,6]. A correlation between food consumption and reproductive performance has been long established in farm animals and pets [7-9]. Gestation and lactation are critical phases of the reproductive cycle, since additional energy requirements have a pivotal role in fetal growth and milk production [10]. Therefore, a well-balanced nutraceutical diet enriched with maca (Lepidium meyenii), beta-carotene, folic acid, L-carnitine, vitamin E, and zinc could become of primary importance in terms of health and reproduction in pets. Lepidium meyenii, known as maca, is an Andean plant of the family Brassicaceae containing several active substances including macaridine, macamides, macaene, glucosinolates, and alkaloids [11]. It has been used for