overcoming hydrodehalogenation in a reductive environment,
a catalytic aqueous micellar technology has been developed for the
C–N cross-coupling of nitroarenes with aryl halides. The bimetallic
palladium–copper (Pd–Cu) nanocatalyst configuration
in aqueous micelles selectively facilitates the highly selective amination
pathway, possibly through in situ formation of Cu-hydride species
as supported by the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
These species prevent Pd-hydride-mediated hydrodehalogenation even
under a molecular hydrogen atmosphere. The nanocatalyst has been thoroughly
characterized by using various spectroscopic and imaging tools, including 31P and 1H NMR, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS),
and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The oxidation
states of Cu and Pd needed for the desired selectivity have been verified
using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, while metal–metal and
metal–ligand interactions have been characterized by XAS. Control
experiments have been performed to determine the significance of each
constituent of the nanocatalyst on the desired reaction pathway. As
revealed by control mass spectrometry, the reaction pathway does not
involve azo- or nitroso-type intermediates. The catalytic methodology
can be applied to numerous substrates with a broad functional and
protecting group tolerance.