DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0070-y
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REE in fluid inclusions of quartz from gold deposits of north-eastern Russia

Abstract: Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used to determine rare earth element concentrations in aqueous solutions extracted from fluid inclusions. Quartz has been sampled from ores of three major types of polygenic gold hydrothermal systems of North-Eastern Russia: (1) gold-quartz-sulphide (Au-Q, Nezhdaninsk); (2) gold-antimony (Au-Sb, Sarylakh) and (3)

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Cited by 3 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…Number marked on the graph is the maximum value of predicted for each element, e.g., La is equal to 1.843. Figure 2 indicates that REE partitioning between magmatic fluids and granite melts must result in LREE enrichment relative to HREE in the fluids, which is consistent with the observations of the alteration halos associated with the Cu-Au (-Mo) porphyry systems [4], intrusion-related Au systems [5,10], and with regard to the REE content of natural fluid inclusions [6]. Also, it is likely that the fluids with relatively low values would display a negative Eu anomaly, as indicated by a numerical analysis of the relationship of to (Table 2), unless their values are close to the threshold value that would result in a positive Eu anomaly ( Figure 2), depending upon the REE content of the related granite melts.…”
Section: Relationship Of Ree Fluid-granitic Melt Partition Coefficiensupporting
confidence: 82%
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“…Number marked on the graph is the maximum value of predicted for each element, e.g., La is equal to 1.843. Figure 2 indicates that REE partitioning between magmatic fluids and granite melts must result in LREE enrichment relative to HREE in the fluids, which is consistent with the observations of the alteration halos associated with the Cu-Au (-Mo) porphyry systems [4], intrusion-related Au systems [5,10], and with regard to the REE content of natural fluid inclusions [6]. Also, it is likely that the fluids with relatively low values would display a negative Eu anomaly, as indicated by a numerical analysis of the relationship of to (Table 2), unless their values are close to the threshold value that would result in a positive Eu anomaly ( Figure 2), depending upon the REE content of the related granite melts.…”
Section: Relationship Of Ree Fluid-granitic Melt Partition Coefficiensupporting
confidence: 82%
“…Cl content (wt %) of granitic melt It is well known that granitic melts could lose a magmatic vapor phase, as evidenced in trapped fluid inclusions in primary quartz phenocrysts [6][7][8][9], to surrounding country rocks during cooling and decompression as well as crystallization-induced degassing (second boiling), resulting in hydrothermal alteration and sometimes mineralization, e.g., porphyry Cu-Au (-Mo) [4], intrusion-related Au [5,7,10], Sn deposits related to rare metal granites [11][12][13][14], scheelite skarn [15], and W-Au-bearing quartz veins [16]. As much as 5 wt % water containing various metals and/or ligands may be lost to the surrounding country rocks upon the cooling of granite magmas during their ascent and emplacement [17].…”
Section: CLmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Guanajuato Mining district by Daniel Moncada and Robert J. Bodnar [13]; and 4. REE in gold deposits by Vikenteva et al [14].…”
confidence: 99%