We develop a multi order parameter mean-field formalism for systems of coupled quantum rotors. The scheme is developed to account for systems where ortho-para distinction is valid. We apply our formalism to solid H2 and D2. We find an anomalous reentrant orientational phase transition for both systems at thermal equilibrium. The correlation functions of the order parameter indicate short-range order at low temperatures. As temperature is increased the correlation increases along the phase boundary. We also find that even extremely small odd-J concentrations (1%) can trigger short-range orientational ordering.PACS numbers: 61.43.-j,64.70.-p,67.65.+z Quantum effects dominate the low temperature (T < 200K) phase diagram of solid molecular hydrogen in a wide range of pressures from ambient up to ∼ 100 GPa [1,2]. In this regime the coupling between molecules is smaller than the molecular rotational constant, so quantum effects are generally described by means of weakly coupled quantum-rotor models [3]. Homonuclear molecules (H 2 and D 2 ) can assume only even or odd values of the rotational quantum number J, depending on the parity of the nuclear spin. Important differences exist in the phase diagrams of even-J (para-H 2 and ortho-D 2 ), odd-J (ortho-H 2 and para-D 2 ) and all-J (HD) species. (For a summary of experimental results on the orientational ordering in H 2 , D 2 , and HD see Fig. 1b of reference 4.) At low pressure or high temperature, even-J species are found in a rotationally disordered free-rotor state (phase I). Increasing pressure causes an increase of the intermolecular coupling, and eventually leads to an orientationally ordered state (phase II). Odd-J systems on the other hand are orientationally ordered at low temperature and ambient pressure and remain ordered as pressure is increased. The stronger tendency of ortho-H 2 to order can be traced to the fact that its J = 1 lowest rotational state allows for a spherically asymmetric ground state, unlike the J = 0 ground state of even-J species. The pressure-temperature phase diagram of HD exhibits a peculiar reentrant shape [5]. Reentrance refers to phase diagrams where in some range of pressure the system reenters the disordered phase at ultra-low temperatures (see HD in Fig. 1). The zero-temperature orientationally disordered phase is characterized by an energy gap against J = 1 excitations. When this gap is sufficiently small and the temperature is finite, the thermally generated J = 1 excitations suffice to induce ordering, which is then reentrant, as also shown by mean-field the- * Present address