Temperature dependent optical spectra are reported for β−Na0.33V2O5. The sodium ordering transition at TNa= 240 K, and in particular the charge ordering transition at TMI= 136 K strongly influence the optical spectra. The metal-insulator transition at TMI leads to the opening of a psuedogap (hω = 1700 cm −1 ), and to the appearance of a large number of optical phonons. These observations, and the presence of a mid-infrared band (typical for low dimensional metals) strongly suggests that the charge carriers in β−Na0.33V2O5 are small polarons.Low dimensional metals feature a variety of MI transitions resulting from electron-phonon or electron-electron interactions.In charge density wave systems, like [5,6], a MI transition may occur due to charge ordering resulting from electronic coulomb interactions (Wigner crystal). Materials of which the properties are dominated by electronphonon interaction often show the appearance in the insulating state of a large number of phonons in the infrared spectrum along the chain direction. This phenomena, discussed by Rice [7] for the 1D organic peierls compound TEA(TCNQ) 2 , has been found in several materials [1,2,3,8], including those showing a Verwey transition . One of the intriguing features of all these materials is that they show a so called mid-infrared band in the optical spectra. It has been argued that for Fe 3 O 4 [9] and many other materials [10] the mid-infrared band can be understood as a polaronic response. However, also materials where Hubbard physics dominates may show a relatively strong mid-infrared band resulting from intraband transitions [5,6,11,12].The recent discovery[13] of a clear metal-insulator transition (MIT) in the vanadium bronze β−Na 0.33 V 2 O 5 has sparked a revival of interest in this quasi onedimensional (1D) metallic system. The room temperature crystal structure[14] of β−Na x V 2 O 5 presents three crystallographically distinct Vanadium sites, labelled V 1 , V 2 and V 3 . The Na atoms occupy lattice positions which can be represented as a ladder along the b axis (the chain direction). For x = 1/3 only 50 % of these lattice sites is occupied, each rung hosting one Na atom randomly distributed between the left and right hand side of the ladder. Each Na-atom donates one electron to the otherwise empty vanadium d bands. It is believed[15] that these electrons are shared among the three V chains above the metal-insulator transition T MI = 136 K , and that they condense on the V 1 zig-zag chain or the V 2 ladder below T MI . The metallic nature is rapidly lost for small deviations from x = 0.33 [13]. The presence of metallic behavior for only a sharply defined charge carrier concentration is different from conventional MIT in 2 or 3 dimensions, where the metallic phase occurs in a broad range of carrier densities above the critical value. This unusual doping dependence probably results from the potential created by the neighboring Na atoms. Doping away from x = 1/3 creates empty or fully occupied rungs on the Na ladder leading to large potentia...