We studied the morphological and functional changes after ligation or embolization of a portal vein branch that perfused the median and the left lateral lobes of the liver in rats. After surgery, regenerative hypertrophy in the non-occluded liver lobes and atrophy in the occluded liver lobes were seen. In the non-occluded liver lobes, mitosis of the hepatocytes was seen most frequently on postoperative day 2. The density of the Kupffer cells after postoperative day 2 was about twice that in intact rats. In the occluded liver lobe, apoptosis of the hepatocytes was seen most frequently on the postoperative day 4, but the density and the phagocytic activity of Kupffer cell were reduced. There was no significant difference in hepatic parenchymal function such as K1CG and the blood levels of antithrombin III between rats on postoperative day 7 and intact rats. On the other hand, liver regeneration was presented even in rats with cirrhosis.However, the DNA synthesis and ODC activity in cirrhotic rats were lower than those in normal rats.
Workshop w1The evaluation of postoperative early complications and long-term nutrition after pancreatoduodenectomy Y. Nakamoto, T.K ajiwara,H. Meguro,T. Tani, Y. Konisi, K. Yanagihasi ,T.Hashimoto,S .Fujiie Dept. of Surgery, Kobe city general hospital 155 pancreatoduodenectomy(PD) was investigated in our situation from 1981 Aug. to 1995 Dec.. PD-II : 58 cases, PD-Ill : 50 cases, PpPD-III : 42 cases, others : 5 cases. We evaluated early complications and long-term nutrition after the surgery. Among these three procedures there was no significant difference in leakage and heavy complications ( acute renal failure, MOF, DIC). The ratio of postoperative intraperitoneal bleeding was significantly less after PpPD-III than after others. The incidence of peptic ulcer was 1 case in each procedure. The incidence of fatty liver was 3 cases in PD-II, 5 cases in PpPD-III. In 6months weight gain was better after PpPD-III, but there was no statistically significant differences. In 12 months, weight gain was significantly greater after PpPD-1II. In 6, 12 months gains of serum albumin, it was better after PpPD-lll,but there was no statistically significant differences. In PD-III, PpPD-1II the passage of food is physical, and in PpPD-III postoperative long term nutrition is superior. We recommend this procedure.
W2Function of the remnant pancreas after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) -short term and long term-H.Taoka, TJ-Iigasiguchi, H.Yokoi, Y.Ogura, T.Noguchi, and Y. Kawarada 1st Dept. of Surg., Mie Univ., Mie, JapanThe purpose of this study was to assess the pathophysiology of the remnant pancreas after PD, and PpPD or DpPHR (pPD below) . The subjects of this study were 67 cases who underwent PD and 12 cases who underwent pPD during the past 10years. Patients with diseases in which the main lesion was in the pancreatic parenchyma (e.g., pancreatic carcinoma and chronic pancreatitis) were classified in group A and patients with in which the main lesion was outside the pancreatic parenchyma ( e.g., carcinom...