Abstract. Dynamic spreading over superhydrophobic and copper surfaces was studied experimentally under the condition of contact line movement with speed greater than 1 mm/sec. Three modes of spreading of distilled water drop over copper surfaces with sufficient typical roughness (0.591, 5.190 and 6.210 µм) were detected. The first one is drop formation when the contact line speed and dynamic contact angle increase sharply. The second mode is spreading of a drop, which is characterized by a monotonic decrease in the contact line speed and dynamic contact angle. The third one is a formation of an equilibrium contact angle at a constant wetted area (the contact line speed tends to zero, and spreading of a drop occurs as long as the driving force is greater than zero). Some features in spreading were detected on superhydrophobic surface with parameter roughness of 0.751µm compared to other substrates. During drop formation after sharp increase in the contact line speed and dynamic contact angle, there is a mode which is accompanied by a decrease in the contact line speed and monotonic increase in the advancing dynamic contact angle.