The concept is proposed that the central control of mammalian female puberty requires the interactive participation of neuronal networks and glial cells of the astrocytic lineage. According to this concept neurons and astrocytes control the pubertal process by regulating the secretory activity of those neurons that secrete luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). LHRH, in turn, governs sexual development by stimulating the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins. Astrocytes affect LHRH neuronal function via a cell-cell signaling mechanism involving several growth factors and their corresponding receptors. Our laboratory has identified two members of the epidermal growth factor/transforming growth factor (EGF/TGF␣) family as components of the glial-neuronal interactive process that regulates LHRH secretion. Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF␣) and its distant congener neu-differentiation factor, NDF, are produced in hypothalamic astrocytes and stimulate LHRH release via a glial intermediacy. The actions of TGF␣ and NDF on hypothalamic astrocytes involve the interactive activation of their cognate receptors and the synergistic effect of both ligands in stimulating the glial release of prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ). In turn, PGE 2 acts directly on LHRH neurons to stimulate LHRH release. A variety of experimental approaches has led to the conclusion that both TGF␣ and NDF are physiological components of the central mechanism controlling the initiation of female puberty.Keywords: glial cells; hypothalamus; growth factors; sexual development; astrocytes; cell-cell communication; LHRH neuronsThe onset of mammalian female puberty requires the ronal network is well-documented, recent studies have raised the possibility that glial cells may also play a functional activation of a specialized group of hypothalamic neurons that produce luteinizing hormonerole in the control of LHRH neuronal activity. 9 Anatomical evidence demonstrates that the glial ensheathreleasing hormone (LHRH), the neurohormone governing sexual maturation and reproductive function. ment of LHRH neurons in both primates and rodents is substantial, 10,11 the main difference between species Elucidation of the mechanisms controlling LHRH neuronal function is critical for the understanding of the being a more prominent glial apposition to LHRH perikarya in primates. 10 Glial apposition of LHRH cellular and molecular processes underlying sexual development and adult reproductive capacity. It is well nerve terminals in the median eminence of the hypothalamus is, however, similarly abundant in both rats accepted that transsynaptic inputs, both excitatory 1,2 and inhibitory, 3 contribute to the central regulation of and primates. The median eminence contains astrocytes and modified ependymoglial cells known as tany-LHRH secretion. A combination of a decrease in transsynaptic inhibitory tone and an increase in excitatory cytes. 12 These specialized glial cells line the ventral portion of the third ventricle and send their processes inputs to LHRH neurons is tho...