Summary: A review and a reappraisal are presented of earlier data on cerebral circulatory and metabolic studies in normal active elderly men (Group I) of mean age 71 years, compared with normal young subjects of mean age 21 years, conducted at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A., during [1956][1957][1958]. There was no significant difference in the mean CBF and cerebral met abolic rate for oxygen (CMR02) values between the two populations; i.e., these important parameters did not fall with chronological aging per se. There was significant depression in the mean cerebral metabolic rate for glu cose (CMRG) value (by -23%) in the aged compared with the young. Newer methods using positron emission to mography and appropriate isotopes have confirmed these findings in normal aging in human subjects and experi mental animals. As expected, MABP and cerebral vas cular resistance (CVR) were significantly elevated in the normal aged. MABP was even more elevated in elderly hypertensive subjects, and the CVR more elevated in the subjects with arteriosclerosis (Group II), who alsoThe World Health Organization designated 1982 as "the year of the aged," in view of the global increase of the elderly population. Whereas the av erage life expectancy in India is now � 54 years, the