Introduction. The efficiency of starting the trajectory of the post-crisis recovery of Ukrainian industry and its economic development depends on whether reconstructive reforms, stimulating measures to restructure the industrial sector towards medium and high-tech industries, deepening processing and creating products with greater added value are planned within the framework of state strategic planning and partner programs of international technical assistance. In this situation, it is vital to include the integration programs aimed at developing a new vector of industrial development to strengthen the country's competitiveness in the state industrial policy. Therefore, the restructuring of the industrial sector becomes an urgent mechanism for the further development of the national economy. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is general methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, comparisons and generalization. To reach the goal of the research the special methods of economic research were used, such as statistical analysis, in particular, structural changes analysis; strategic analysis; heuristic methods. The information base of the study included statistical data and reports of State Statistical Service of Ukraine, Eurostat and other international institutions. Results and discussion. UNIDO's integrated programs for modernization and restructuring of industry, implemented in several countries of the world, have demonstrated their positive contribution to industrial development. They include three key stages: strategic diagnosis of the potential of industries, development of an action plan to promote the development of industries, and implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness of the development plan. At the same time, the selection or combination of three restructuring strategies of re-centering, partnership and flexibility was important. Restructuring is based on the modification of industrial and non-industrial assets. State policy within the framework of the implementation of integrated restructuring programs should stimulate simultaneous modification of assets of both firms and regional innovation systems. Conclusions. Strategizing industrial restructuring is a constant and resource-intensive process of change, which requires state regulation through strategic planning of harmonization of transformations in the industrial sector, taking into account external and internal factors.