Abstract. Let R be a ring with identity, X the set of all nonzero, nonunits of R and G the group of all units of R. First, we investigate some connected conditions of the zero-divisor graph Γ(R) of a noncommutative ring R as follows: (1) if Γ(R) has no sources and no sinks, then Γ(R) is connected and diameter of Γ(R), denoted by diam(Γ(R)) (resp. girth of Γ(R), denoted by g(Γ(R))) is equal to or less than 3; (2) if X is a union of finite number of orbits under the left (resp. right) regular action on X by G, then Γ(R) is connected and diam(Γ(R)) (resp. g(Γ(R))) is equal to or less than 3, in addition, if R is local, then there is a vertex of Γ(R) which is adjacent to every other vertices in Γ(R); (3) if R is unitregular, then Γ(R) is connected and diam(Γ(R)) (resp. g(Γ(R))) is equal to or less than 3. Next, we investigate the graph automorphisms group of Γ(Mat 2 (Zp)) where Mat 2 (Zp) is the ring of 2 by 2 matrices over the galois field Zp (p is any prime).