Pythium porphyrae Takahashi et Sasaki, a facultative parasite of Porphyra spp., is the common microbial agent responsible for red rot disease of this red alga in Japan. Host infection by this species and other plant parasitic members of the Pythiaceae is initiated by motile biflagellate zoospores. Factors regulating host specificity and the initial steps involved in the infection process, consisting of attachment, encystment and appressorium formation, are not known. Zoospore encystment and appressorium formation of P. porphyrae were monitored by staining of the fungal cell walls using calcofluor. The zoospores infected only Porphyra spp. and Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Agardh thalli, although they attached to, and encysted on, many other members of the Rhodophyceae ( Stylonema alsidii [Zanardini] Drew, Gelidium elegans Kützing, Pterocladiella capillacea [Gmelin] Santelices et Hommersand, Carpopeltis affinis [Harvey] Okamura, Gloiosiphonia capillaris [Hudson] Carmichael in Berkeley, Grateloupia turuturu Yamada, Callophyllis adhaerens Yamada, Gracilaria spp., Lomentaria hakodatensis Yendo, Rhodymenia intricata [Okamura] Okamura, Griffithsia subcylindrica Okamura, Wrangelia tanegana Harvey, and Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey). No attachment or encystment was observed on the red alga Kappaphycus striatum (Schmitz) Doty ex Silva in Silva et al., the brown algae Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, Scytosiphon sp., and Sargassum thunbergii (Mertens ex Roth) Kuntze as well as members of the Ulvaceae (green algae). Sequential extraction of carbohydrates from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda thalli and the addition of diverse monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and amino acids to zoospore suspensions indicated that encystment and appressorium formation were induced only by sulfated galactans (porphyran, commercial agar, agarose, and carrageenans). Zoospore attachment and encystment on thalli of P. yezoensis was abolished by periodate oxidation of the thallus surface and was reduced by 80-90% after enzymatic removal of sulfated galactan (porphyran). It appears that the interaction of zoospore surface receptors with sulfated ga-lactan (porphyran) determinants on the thallus surface induced specific attachment and encystment on Porphyra spp. thalli. Zoospores encysted, germinated, and formed appressoria on sulfated galactan films and in suspensions of this carbohydrate. Attachment and encystment were induced on commercial agar and agarose films, but appressoria were not induced on agarose films. Supplementation of agarose media with both cold and hot water fractions and with porphyran from P. yezoensis -induced appressoria implicated sulfated galactans (porphyran) in appressorium formation.