Transcriptional activity of the glutathlone S-transfemse (GST) ~t (subumt~ 1 and 2),/~ (.~ubunit~ 3 and 4) :rod rt (~ubumt 7) gent fam~hes has been analyzed u~mg the nuclear "run-on' technique on adult rat hepatoeyte~ ,naintained for 4 days m convenuonal culture and for 4 and 12 days in co-culture with rat liver epithehal cells. Several medium conditions are included m tlus utudy, namely with or without fetal calf ~rum and with meotmamide or dlmethylnulphoxlde. Hepatocyte~ co-cultured for 4 days maintain approximatdy 30-70% of the a t~ene family transcriptional acuvity, whatever the medium conditions, when compared to freshly isolated hepatocytes. A marked decrease is observed after 12 days ofeo-culture or when hepatoeytes are maintained in convenuonal culture. The tmn~npuonal activity of the/~ gene family is saammiugd at 40-160% when hepatocytes are cultured with or without fetal calf serum, and is inducible by nicotinamidc (approximately 4-fold) and d:meth]llsulphoxlde (approximately 2-fold) m conventional culture and/or in co-culture. In contrast to freshly ~solated hepatocyte.% GST ~ gene transcriptional activity is observed in eouventLonal and go-cultured hepatoeytes, trrespeetive of the medium conditions. Dlmcthylsulphoxidc treatment however, represses the expression of GST 7 in vitro. These rehultn demonbtrate that the expression of GST 0~,/~ and rt genes m conventional and eo.eultured rat hepatoeytgs is controlled primarily at the level of transerq)tion. It cannot be excluded, however, that dimethylsulphoxide ntablllze~ the GST mRNA levels m vitro,