The insulin receptor (IR) exists as two isoforms, IR-A and IR-B, which result from alternative splicing of exon 11 in the primary transcript. This alternative splicing is cell specific, and the relative proportions of exon 11 isoforms also vary during development, aging, and different disease states. We have previously demonstrated that both intron 10 and exon 11 contain regulatory sequences that affect IR splicing both positively and negatively. In this study, we sought to define the precise sequence elements within exon 11 that control exon recognition and cellular factors that recognize these elements. Using minigenes carrying linker-scanning mutations within exon 11, we detected both exonic splicing enhancer and exonic splicing silencer elements. We identified binding of SRp20 and SF2/ASF to the exonic enhancers and CUG-BP1 to the exonic silencer by RNA affinity chromatography. Overexpression and knockdown studies with hepatoma and embryonic kidney cells demonstrated that SRp20 and SF2/ASF increase exon inclusion but that CUG-BP1 causes exon skipping. We found that CUG-BP1 also binds to an additional intronic splicing silencer, located at the 3 end of intron 10, to promote exon 11 skipping. Thus, we propose that SRp20, SF2/ASF, and CUG-BP1 act antagonistically to regulate IR alternative splicing in vivo and that the relative ratios of SRp20 and SF2/ASF to CUG-BP1 in different cells determine the degree of exon inclusion.In mammals, alternative splicing is a common strategy for creating functional diversities of proteins that have cell and developmentally specific functions. Given the important role for splicing, it is not surprising that a recent estimate has proposed that 50 to 60% of mutations linked to disease affect splicing (21, 43). The majority of human genes undergo alternative pre-mRNA splicing through the use of competing 5Ј or 3Ј splice sites or through alternative inclusion/exclusion of exons in the pre-mRNA. These alternative exons often contain splice sites that diverge from the consensus site, and the presence of cis regulatory elements within the exon and/or the flanking introns determines whether these exons are recognized (18,20,31). These cis elements can have either a positive (enhancer) or a negative (silencer) effect on splicing. Both enhancers and silencers are thought to function through binding to specific trans-acting protein factors (1). Differences in the expression or activities of these trans-acting factors may modulate the recognition of the alternative exon and lead to developmental or tissue-specific differences in splicing. Proteins that bind to specific sequence elements to affect splice site selection include SR proteins, hnRNPs, and other related RNA binding proteins, such as the CELF family, TIA-1, and Raver-1 (11,12,14,25,32). Adding a further layer of regulation, local context, such as RNA secondary structure, may influence the way that binding motifs are recognized by their cognate factors (3, 10, 13).The human insulin receptor (IR) is encoded by a single INSR gene th...