ABSTRACrThe effects of severa rotenoids have been studied on potato ( wm taberoam L.) tuber and etiolated mung bean (Pkasels arnm Roex) hypocotyls m i Te selective inhibition of mitoch l complex I is c tI by several tests: (a) no effect can be observed on exogenous NADH or s teoxidatin; (b) At present, rotenone is often used in laboratory experiments on animal or plant mitochondria (9, 11) because ofits inhibitory properties on complex I. In this work, we have compared the activity of other rotenoids to that ofrotenone itself, on two types of plant mitochondria in order to obtain some information on the structural features needed to obtain a spcific inhibition of complex I and to determine the conditions under which the rotenoids are efficacious.MATERIALS AND MEHMODS Prepari of Miochondria. Mitochondria from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L) and etiolated mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) hypocotyls cut from bean seedlings grown from 5 d in the dark at 26*C and 60% RH. were pred and purified by methods previously described (8). All operations were carried out at 0 to 4C. Following purifications, the mitochondria appeared to be virtually free from extramitochondrial contamination and had a high degree of membrane intactness, as judged by electron microscopy and by low activities of the inner membrane and matrix marker enzymes (antimycin A-sensitive NADH; Cyt c oxidoreductase and malate dehydrogenase). In