SummaryThe two major virulence factors of Bacillus anfhracis are the tripartite toxin and the polyglutamate capsule, which are encoded by genes on the large plasmids, pXOl and pX02, respectively. The genes atxA, located on pXO1, and acpA, located on pX02, encode positive trans-acting proteins that are involved in bicarbonatemediated regulation of toxin and capsule production, respectively. A derivative strain cured of pXOl produced less capsular substance than the parent strain harbouring both pXOl and pX02, and electroporation of the strain cured of pXOl with a plasmid containing the cloned afxA gene resulted in an increased level of capsule production. An acpA-null mutant was complemented by not only acpA but also the afxA gene. The cap region, which is essential for encapsulation, contains three genes capB, cape, and capA, arranged in that order. The afxA gene stimulated capsule synthesis from the cloned cap region. Transcriptional analysis of cap by RNA slot-blot hybridization and primer-extension analysis revealed that afxA activated expression of cap in trans at the transcriptional level. These results indicate that cross-talk occurs, in which the pXOl -located gene, atxA, activates transcription of the cap region genes located on pX02. We identified two major apparent transcriptional start sites, designated P1 and P2, located at positions 731 bp and 625 bp, respectively, upstream of the translationinitiation codon of caps. Transcription initiated from P1 and P2 was activated by both atxA and acpA, and activation appeared to be stimulated by bicarbonate. Deletion analysis of the upstream region of the cap