Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain 631 1 grew phototrophically in a mineral medium containing fructose as sole electron donor and carbon source with a doubling time of 11 -13 h, provided the mineral medium contained vitamine B,, (50 ng/ml), not more than 20 mM phosphate, and the culture was preincubated in the dark for 24 h. I n fructose-grown cells but not in autotrophically grown cells, the cell-protein content was strongly reduced when vitamine B,, was growth limiting, while the carbohydrate content was increased. Growth on fructose as sole carbon source was inhibited by the addition of sulfide or thiosulfate; growth inhibition was relieved in the presence of bicarbonate. No growth on fructose was observed anaerobically in the dark; aerobic growth in the dark was poor. Analysis of enzyme activities in fructose-and acetate-grown cells indicated that fructose was catabolized via fructose-1-phosphate and the EMBDEN-MEYERHOF pathway. The operation of the EMBDEN-MEYERROF pathway was confirmed by incorporation of lJC-, 3-I4C-, and 6-W-fructose into the spirilloxanthin fraction and analysis of its specific radioactivity.Many strains of Chromatiaceae have been tested for their ability to grow on glucose or fructose as electron donor (THIELE 1968a, MATHERON and BAULAIGUE 1972), but only few turned out to utilize one of these hexoses. Thiocapsaroseopersicina is the sole species which was repeatedly found to utilize either fructose (THIELE 1968a, MATHERON and BAULAIGUE 1972) or glucose (MATHERON and BEAULAIGUE 1972, BOGOROV 1974).I n a carbohydrate-rich sewage plant even mass development was reported for this bacterium (HOLM and VENNES 1970). However, among all the other species of the Chromatiaceae sugar utilization occurs only in few strains ; sugar utilization has been reported for strains of Chromatium vinosum (KONDRATIEVA 1963, THIELE 1968a. Thiocystis violacea, Amoebobacter roseus, and A . pendens (THIELE 1968a) and Ectothiorhodospira mobilis (TRUPER 1968). I n these strains the sugars are believed to be utilized as both, electron donor and carbon source, since the growth yield is exceedingly high in a sugar supplemented medium which contains carbonate and some sulfide as the only other carbon source and electron donor.Although the glucose and fructose catabolic pathway shave thoroughly been studied in species of the Rhodospirillaceae, as in Rhodospirillum rubrum ( GIBSON and WANG 1968, SCHON andBIEDERMANN 1972), Rhodopseudomonm capsulata ( EIDELS and PREISS 1970, CONRAD and SCHLEGEL, 1974,1977a and R . sphaeroides (SZYMONA andDouDoRoFF 1960, OHMANN et at?. 1969, 1970, CONRAD and SCHLEGEL 1974, 1977b, the information concerning sugar catabolic pathways in species of the Chromatiaceae is scarce ( SCHLEGEL 1974, KRASILNIKOVA 1975).In the present paper we studied the growth of T.roseopersicina strain 6311 on fructose and the influence of the addition of bicarbonate, vitamine B,,, and thiosulfate on the growth response. The fructose catabolic pathway was investigated by means of enzyme analysis and radiolabelling of sp...