This paper explores the connections between artificial intelligence and climate smart agricultural change research as a whole and its usefulness in adaptation efforts in smart agricultural technologies. In article increased attention is currently being paid to the use of smart technologies. The article provides an analysis of the prospects for the use of artificial intelligence technologies and Climate-Smart Agriculture. At the preparatory stage, an analysis of publications in the Woofs network was carried out, which allows specifying the essence and scope of artificial intelligence technologies in climate smart agriculture. The authors considered divided into four important components which include: the management of crops, farms, livestock and aquaculture to achieve a near-term balance in food security and livelihoods; the management of landscapes and ecosystems top reserve ecosystem services that are critical for agricultural development, food security, adaptation, and mitigation; enable better farm and land management by providing services on climate impacts and mitigation actions to managers of these resources; enhancing the derivable benefits of Climate-Smart Agriculture through demand-side measures and value chain interventions. Accordingly, Climate-Smart Agriculture and artificial intelligence aims to achieve the objectives of increasing productivity and incomes sustainably, making agriculture adaptive to the changing climate, and where possible cost-effective.